The Plan

Safer Sounds aims to deliver it’s work through five key strands delivered in with our members of key partners.


strong partnership

Safer Sounds is a strong multi-agency partnership, which brings together the music industry, venues, promoters and artists with Police and Local Authorities. By doing this we can create a more positive response to the London scene ensuring there are a diverse range of events and experiences for people to enjoy.

We will use the Partnership to deliver the work of Safer Sounds and share best practice. 


sharing intelligence

Information is key and we will use an intelligence platform to allow sharing of intelligence safely between venues, promoters and the Police (Safer Sounds is in the process of scoping appropriate intelligence sharing platforms)

Through weekly intelligence meetings with the Police and intelligence from operators and promoters – Safer Sounds will be able to share appropriate intelligence to ensure events in London are safer.


event management plan (INCLUDING RISK ASSESSMENT)

Safer Sounds, in consultation with the industry and Police, have developed a holistic process which supports and empowers venues and promoters to plan, carry out and evaluate their events with best practice guidance and the ability to feedback into what we do. It also enables them to risk assess their own events and respond accordingly.

 This process will encourage the sharing of best practice.

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No-one should be vulnerable or unsafe in one of London’s events.

We will promote vulnerability and safety awareness across operators and promoters by contributing to a skilled workforce by developing and delivering bespoke training modules for new and existing SIA security staff, venues and promoters to drive standards and confidence at events.

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We want to increase confidence in London’s music events by producing a charter which sets out an agreed set of standards which promoters and venues operate to.